Mother Daughter Relationship

Mother Daughter Relationship

Whether we are a mother, or a daughter, well, as women, we are all daughters, we know that the mother daughter connection can be a beautiful sacred bond. But honestly, it can also at times be complicated and delicate.

Often, the problem can be with communication. Sometimes, it's generational, maybe the way in which we were taught to communicate with our own daughters, the expectations that may have been handed down on what it means to be a woman and a daughter.

Sometimes, it's in the expectations, how to create and maintain healthy boundaries. What a respectful mutual adult daughter mother relationship looks like for your own relationship.

Most mothers and adult daughters I know, long to be in close, loving, respectful relationships.

These types of relationships flourish when we continue to work on communication. Open, transparent, communication. 

If you find that there are times in your relationship with your daughter or your mother, that the two of you can hit the same communication pattern, again and again, resulting in a deadlock, stalemate or even worse, distance, I encourage you to stop and examine the pattern. Take a look at how it's serving the relationship, and if it isn't, start working on finding ways to change the communication.

Just food for thought.....

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